Upper Seneca Baptist Church
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Our Mission: Impacting the Kingdom of God one person at a time

A man, who had been brutally executed was seen miraculously walking in the streets near Jerusalem. His body still displayed the gruesome and bloody stains of his brutal beating and crucifixion. Oddly enough, some people, when they spotted him, asked if they could curiously touch his gaping wounds. Others though, fled in fear believing this “ghost-like zombie” would bring them harm or even death.

As this “ghost-like zombie” made his way from town to town, the government placed the area on high alert. If anyone were to spot this ghastly creature, the military told any witness to contact the authorities immediately. It was clearly stated, “Do not approach this person. They could be armed and dangerous.” Many people were hiding in fear and locking their doors in hopes that they could avoid coming in direct contact with him.

Not only did the government put an action plan together to neutralize this criminal: So, did the religious leaders. They too saw that this executed blasphemer was a threat to its own people and establishment. They failed in previous attempts to kill this mad-man, but they vowed that they will not fail again. Before, they paid 30 pieces of silver for the capture and death of this menace. Now, the reward has been increased significantly for his recapture.

On Sunday, March 31, 2024, at 11 a.m., Upper Seneca Baptist Church will be holding an emergency community meeting to provide more detail about this DEAD MAN SPOTTED. Until then, let your eyes be ever seeing and your ears ever hearing. Be on alert, because word on the street has it, that this once dead man is coming for you.
Jesus is Alive!
By Pastor Dennis Felder